Please join us in giving a BIG promise love welcome to the Gibson family!!! Promise Love has had to take a back seat this year due to the current climate. Asking for donations during this time is a very hard thing to do, as we know everyone is in a tighter spot than normal. However, when the Gibsons applied with Promise Love, we felt this beautiful family was the fit that God was asking us to get behind! So in this time, where the world seems to be upside down, take heart…good is still happening in the world! Be a part of the good!
The Gibsons have put in $20,000 of their own funds and now they are currently in need of raising $30,000 towards the remaining fees for their adoption. They are matched with a birth mom who is due August 24th!!!! That’s right around the corner. So we want to support them in reaching their goal!!!
Would you consider a gift of any size?
“May the Lord give you increase, you and your children"! Psalm 115:14