Happy Valentine’s day!!! We thought today being a day of love is the perfect day to share Caleb’s adoption day!! We are so incredibly happy for this family as their dream has become a reality. Here’s how it went down straight from Will……..
Welcome Hamilton's to the Promise Love Family!!!!!
So I have had quite a few people ask me recently, is Promise Love still around? And I would like to state for the record…..We definitely still are!!! In fact, we have a new amazing family to share with you today!!!
This is one of those families that just warms your heart and lets you know there are some amazing people who live right in your own backyard. Scott and Cherrie say they are just doing what God called them to do and they just take each step with faith and obedience, but it is amazing to hear the faith walk they have chosen.
They are currently in process to adopt another little guy, Roman, into their large family and are in need of raising $18,000 for this adoption and you can donate right HERE!
Take a minute to read a little about this beautiful family and please help them bring Roman home forever!
Before moving to Florida, our family lived in Kentucky. While living in there, we
fostered thirty-seven children and adopted six. Since then, God has gifted us
with twelve more children to love and care for through quardianship and
adoption. Most of our children are medically fragile or considered "hard to
We would have never imagined that this would be the life we were called to live,
but God has called us and He has prepared us for such a time as this.
Jonathan's Place is simply a family. A family that believes EVERY child
deserves a loving home.
Jonathan's Place is named in memory of our beloved son, Jonathan, who had
Down Syndrome and now resides in Heaven. He opened the door for children
with severe medical and/or emotional challenges to find a forever family in our
home. We bring medical experience (as being a registered nurse) and
compassion to help children reach their fullest potential
We are often asked, "When will you be done?" or "Don't you have enough
children?" Our response is always that we will continue to say, "YES!" until God
says, "No." This is our ministry - to care for the orphans. Please help us to
welcome Roman, a child in need of our medical expertise, into our home.
Baby Z is home! A Gibson Family update!
If you’ve been following us at all this year, you may have noticed we haven’t had as many families in need of fundraising for adoption. We are sure this has something to do with Covid and also God just has given us a calmer year to be with our families, regroup and just support this one special family….The Gibson’s! And boy, have they been on a rollercoaster of an adoption journey this year!
They have been through TWO failed adoptions that were very hard on their family, but they didn’t give up on the calling God had placed in their heart! We are so excited to announce Baby Z is home, healthy and they are so in love with this new little man they added to their family!
The reality of failed adoptions is that there is some expenses that are lost. Because of this, the Gibson’s have an additional $6500 they need for their adoption before it finalizes in a few short months. YOU can be a part of their forever family by clicking below……
No one says adoption is easy and no one says adoption is a straight, wide road. It is said about adoption that it is full of unexpected twists and turns, that it is difficult to navigate, that you will feel overwhelmed and even like giving up sometimes, but in the end every piece of the journey is worth it because it brings you to someone you will love for the rest of your life. And that my friends is worth everything!
Congratulations Gibsons on the new love in your life!!! We are all so happy for you!
Hi Friends and Supporters!
As we approach the end of March and the end our fundraiser for the Briggs family (To donate to the Briggs family, go here), I am reminded of whats coming!
Easter is in just a few short weeks and it’s the time of year where we are reminded of God’s Redemptive Power!
How he takes a hopeless heart and fills them with joy! How he takes our broken pieces and makes us whole. That’s only something He can do! As you go into the celebration of the resurrection of our Savior, remembering what He did for us, be reminded as well how He has adopted you into His family through His only Son. We are all adopted and we are all redeemed!
Here’s the not final piece of the Brigg’s journey but the redemption story He has given them through a tiny little baby….just the same way He used a tiny little baby to redeem us all.
Here’s the story in Hannah’s own words.
“We have our little girl. God is so kind to give her to us.
Looking back, we clearly see why God had us walk down the path we did, to be scammed out of our adoption savings, to cry more tears than I have ever cried,and to go through more heartbreak than we have ever experienced. It was all for this little bundle.
We received a text from our adoption agency on Monday, November 26th, that a baby girl had been born and that she needed a family. We didn't have much information at all but felt a complete peace about the situation and decided to present to the birth mother right away. In a matter of hours, we were chosen to be her parents! Birth mom signed over her rights the very next day and the days that followed we prepared to travel to our baby.
OUR baby!It seemed so surreal! We were parents!!!
We were told Coco could be in the NICU for a few weeks because she was born 7 weeks early and only weighed 3 pounds, 10 ounces. Josh planned to stay the first week and then travel back to work and I would prepare to stay until Coco was discharged from the hospital, however long that would be. We traveled to her later that week and when we walked into that NICU unit, we were motioned to the little incubator that housed our baby. They removed the blanket covering the incubator and we looked on our beautiful Colette for the first time.
What a little beauty she was! Josh gave me a delighted exclamation, "She's so precious!" and I stuck my hand through the glass window to lay it over her tiny body and whisper, "Hi, baby girl. Mommy and Daddy are here."
The baby girl that we had been praying for all along was right in front of our eyes. Our prayers had not been wasted. The Colette that we had talked about and prayed for was this tiny beautiful little creature. God had taken those prayers that we had thought were going toward a particular child and had administered them to her. He had prepared us to be her parents all along. Before the foundation of the world, this child was meant to be in our arms, and our hearts forever. God miraculously protected our little one and she has amazed the doctors and nurses over and over again.
One of our beloved NICU nurses even told us that in the 30 years that she had been a nurse, she never saw a case quite like Colette's and the progress she had made. It is all a testament to God's protection and the answer to so many prayers by not only her parents but the countless people that have prayed for her since the beginning.
Our days in the NICU were such a blessed time as we bonded as a new family of three. We spent time reading and singing to, feeding, changing, bathing, cuddling, and studying every little feature of our baby girl. She is so beautiful and such a picture of God's grace and faithfulness to us. She is far more amazing than we could ever hope for and we can't wait to spend our days treasuring her and showing her the love of Jesus.
This past year has been one of the hardest of our lives but also the most rewarding. It has been so amazing to witness God's faithfulness to us first hand and to have a daily reminder before us that He is sovereign and He is good.
We want to thank every single person who has prayed for us, sacrificed financially to bless our little family, and have encouraged our hearts along this adoption journey. We have had family and friends spend countless hours helping us raise money, given sacrificially, and have come along side us when we wanted to give up. You guys will always have a special place in our hearts and your gestures have meant more to us than you will ever know.”
Josh, Hannah and Colette Briggs
Josh and Hannah experienced something recently that was heartbreaking! The kind of thing that makes you question where you went wrong or how did you not see this coming? It makes you stop and question if you should continue on the journey to adoption or maybe this isn’t meant to be. Emotionally it’s hard, but also financially it’s hard too.
Josh and Hannah had saved and fundraised for a long time in the hope’s of becoming parents through adoption, just to have that money lost by someone who was scamming them the whole time. Read firsthand here the blog post Hannah wrote during this time on her personal blog Thistle Harvest and join us in helping re-coupe a portion of what was stolen from them here as we continue our March Madness Basketball inspired fundraiser for the Briggs family.
“As many of you may know by now, we heard the heartbreaking news last week
that our adoption match was a scam. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the
email informing us of the FBI investigation, telling us to reach out to some
lawyers that we had never spoken with, to receive more information. We had to
find the hard facts out for ourselves and determine if this birth mom we had
spoken with on the phone was a figment of our imagination.
After some investigation, we were told (and proved it to be true) that our birth
mother and baby were completely fabricated and that a woman was hired to
speak to us on the phone on different occasions to make us feel safe and secure
about the placement. I told this crooked social worker and her accomplice (our
"birth mother") how excited we were to be parents, how I was purchasing things
for our little girl, preparing her nursery, and that I prayed for them every single
day. "Birth mom" even asked me if I was excited to find out that it was a girl and
our gender reveal video was shared with our social worker who seemed
genuinely excited for us.
I know it is difficult for others to understand, but this was the closest we had ever
been to becoming parents. We have been through many fertility treatments but I
haven't ever had the privilege of carrying a baby, even for a short amount of time.
This baby girl was very real to us and had already taken hold of our hearts. We
called her by name and dreamt of what the future held for the three of us.
I will never fully understand why we were chosen to walk this path. Our trust has
been severely broken. There have been times that I have cried so hard that it's
been difficult to breathe. We had to close the nursery door for a few days so that
we would not be reminded of the deep pain we both were feeling.
We have taken some time to grieve our loss and while we are still fighting the
gross injustice, heart-wrenching pain, and breach of trust, we are trying to move
past this nightmare and fulfill our dream of having a family. We won't let this
horrible act discourage us from pursuing our child. God never stopped pursuing
us and we refuse to give up. We want our children to know someday without a
shadow of a doubt that we loved them fiercely and pursued them with everything
we had. Throughout this whole ordeal, I am constantly reminded of the Father's
love for us and how He pursues us and loves us with a perfect love. We are his
children and He will never stop fighting for us.
Our plan now is to fight for justice. To do everything in our power to get our story
out there when we are able to speak out and advocate for adoptive parents, for
birth mothers, and for their unborn babies. No one should ever take advantage of
some of the most vulnerable people in the world and if they do, they should know
that they will pay dearly for their crimes.
We are fighting to try to recover the devastating financial blow that we have been
dealt. We are desperately trying to get our money back so that we can continue to pursue adoption.
We know our baby is out there and at times we have become so discouraged that this circumstance has delayed our journey to find them.
Just the other day, I was speaking with Josh and I was frustrated that we were
going to be delayed in our adoption and didn't know when we would finally be
able to add to our family. I felt like the Lord spoke to both of us in different ways
but revealed the same truth: that His delay wasn't a denial. Nothing catches Him
by surprise. We fully trust in His sovereignty. Everything He places in our lives is
divinely orchestrated by the God of the universe. He makes no mistakes. Even
these unfortunate circumstances and the timing will lead us to the baby that He
has always meant for us to have
We are stepping out by faith and our continuing our adoption journey. Please
pray for us, pray for our baby and birth mother, and pray that God would restore
what evil men have taken. “
Come back for part 2 of this story next week! It’s gonna be a good one!
Where do they go from here? (Brenda's recent trip to Haiti to see Luke)
Many of you have messaged or wondered what does this process actually look like going forward for the Tobey’s! Will this just be another round of disappointments and lost money for them? Or how is this time different….Brenda did this write up for us after her most recent visit with Luke! We hope this helps you understand the complexity, but also the hope that this time looks different for them! Read what Brenda has to say!
“Mid October afforded me the opportunity to head to Haiti on another medical mission trip. It was an exciting time for me, but also a time filled with great anxiety over seeing Luke. It had been two years since my last trip.....the longest time frame that has lapsed in all of my trips to see him and I knew in my gut what that meant. He wouldn't remember......
Sitting at the kitchen table upon our arrival, Luke told Momma Bonnie what I has suspected would be true, he didn't remember me….
Truth be told I wanted to break into a million pieces. My heart was shattered. It was one of those punch in the gut moments that makes you question all things in your life in one second. I wanted to cry like a child, both because I was crushed and because I was overjoyed that he hadn't been wondering why I hadn't come back for him.
The good news was Luke wasn't feeling the pain of our adoption process the same way I was… and for this I was grateful.
It has always been a huge blessing to me that Luke was so young during this adoption process that he had not idea what was going on (or rather NOT going on with our adoption,) Throughout the process it has been my goal to protect him from knowing that we are adopting him for fear of him being hurt by the time and troubles.
Adopting from Haiti has been the most unreal and frustrating experiences that doesn't even make sense to most adults let alone trying to explain it to a child.
Luke's health, happiness, and well being has always been my priority and he is blessed to have that covered in his current living situation so my job was to keep him safe from the heartache of his adoption. He understands us to be his "sponsors." Sponsors help cover the costs of the children at Cabaret Haiti Mission and often are even able to visit with the children they sponsor while on mission trips to the home so its not uncommon to have a relationship with your sponsored child. Luke understands that our family loves him, prays for him, visits him, AND most importantly bring him special presents :)
He's no different than our children here in America...... an adult comes home with a suitcase and they want to know what we brought them right!?
Luke’s favorite superhero is Captain America….seems fitting:-)
This trip was filled with many blessed moments of serving my Haitian friends and providing medical care they would otherwise not have access to. It was also filled with lots of great Luke moments that I cherish.
In addition, I was able to connect with some new contacts that are helping with our adoption on the ground in Haiti and that is extremely important. Most people in my position have had to move to Haiti for a period of time, usually a few months or so, in order to complete their adoption. Literally being there in Haiti working on the adoption and being in the face of the people that make the decisions is like no person I could hire. It’s really the only way to complete an adoption in our unique situation. So as we work diligently on paperwork, process, and relationships/connections we also work on a plan for one of us to relocate and be the force that wraps this up and brings our boy home. The idea of that seems overwhelming, but we know ultimately God is in control and He has all the details already worked out, so we will just trust in His timing!
Right now we have the attention of the right people and we must move now to continue moving forward and gaining momentum!
I am so excited and so scared all at once but mostly I am confident Luke is our son and he is meant to be here as part of our tribe. The gratitude I have for you all joining us in whatever capacity you are able to is the greatest blessing!! WE are making this happen! WE are bringing Luke home, together! A million thanks still could not convey the gratitude we feel for for this LOVE SWARM that’s surrounding us during this week! “
Love, Brenda
When we first started throwing around ideas of how we were going to raise the money to bring Luke home forever, the Tobey kids were excited to get in on the action! They came up with a great idea to have kids and families around the city or even country do their own Lemonade Stand for Luke! And even came up with a graphic that you can print and post on your stand!
We thought this was such a great idea and wanted to incorporate the Lemonade theme into the entire event! Besides who doesn’t love a good glass of lemonade and here in Florida it’s pretty much always a good time to drink Lemonade since it’s a million degrees outside all the time!
So recently when Brenda went to see Luke she had a glass of lemonade with him and took this adorable photo together! We love how the Tobey’s are involving their kids in this project and they want to challenge you to be a part of the fun this Saturday, November 10th!
Come be a part of the fun HERE and don’t forget you can also buy a virtual glass of lemonade HERE!
Do For One What You Wish You Could Do For All
Today we want to tell you a little bit about the little guy you are pouring into and loving on through this time! The little man the Tobey’s have fell in love with and can’t wait to be able to hold and hug him everyday!
Luke has been in the orphanage since the death of his mother in March of 2012. His mom died when Luke was just a couple of weeks old and his father and his aunt brought him to the orphanage certain he was near death. Brenda and the team arrived in the morning and as you heard on the video, met Luke for the first time and stepped right into the role of caretaker for him. She fell in love with this tiny baby and strongly felt this one was different from the rest! This one was meant to be in her arms for longer than just a week during her stay.
Luke’s biological father knows where he is and has come to the orphanage a couple of times to see him, but is unable to care for him. He also has other children and even when offered the support to reunify with the family, desired to have Luke stay where he is. He has come to meet The Tobey’s during their visits to see Luke and has expressed his happiness in their relationship with Luke. He has verbalized to the authorities as well that he has a strong desire for Luke to be adopted by the Tobey Family.
The name of the orphanage Luke currently lives in is Cabaret Haiti Mission, Inc. You can check them out here!
Luke's parents at the orphanage are Mike and Bonnie Snider or Papa Mike and Momma Bonnie as they are called by all the children who live there. They have lived in Haiti at the Children's home since 2010 and are the loving parents to the 50 kids living there!! Luke is actually pretty spoiled:) Since he's been there since he was several weeks old, he has made his way "upstairs" where the kids are only allowed on special occasions, he can often be found sharing a cup of coffee with Momma Bonnie in the am or even stealing a snuggle in bed. When Brenda goes to visit Luke, she stays at the orphanage with them and Luke is her wake up call:-) He likes to come into where we stay and sneak into bed for cuddles.
Mike and Bonnie have made the adoption process tolerable for The Tobey’s because they know he is loved and cared for so very well. They do an incredible job of loving on all the kids!
Currently Luke is obsessed with Captain America. He attends school and loves to play soccer like all kids at the orphanage. He loves praise and worship and he likes to perform dances and singing on open Mic night every Saturday night in the commons area of the orphanage.
Luke will turn 7 in January. This is 7 birthdays, 7 Christmas’s, 7 of everything that we have missed sharing with him. Many firsts of walking, talking, playing, days of school etc. Though these firsts haven't been experienced here at home with his family at the orphanage, the Tobey’s have been able to share in much of the joy of these special events because of the contact with Mike and Bonnie and their regular visits.
It's Lemonade For Luke Kickoff Day!! (A Love Swarm)
In case you haven’t noticed, it’s been a little quiet around Promise Love the past few months! We hit our goal with the Smith’s and they are all riding around in vehicles that fit their beautiful families and that was so exciting!!
And then we heard of an amazing family, the Tobey’s, who have been waiting SIX years….Yes, I will say that again….SIX years to bring home their son, Luke, from Haiti. Luke is currently in an orphanage and Brenda (mom) met him when she was on a medical missions trip there 6 years ago. She is a nicu nurse here and often takes medical missions trips to Haiti with a team to help babies coming into the orphanages. If you missed the story and this beautiful family, please be sure to watch it HERE….it is truly an amazing God story!
After we shared that story with you, things got a little hectic with our lives and work and kids. But we are ready to kick back into high gear and get this little boy home to his forever family! God surely knows they have all waited long enough!
So the next 7 days…ONE WEEK…is dedicated to this LOVE SWARM!! Whats a Love Swarm you ask? Well just like bees swarm to build their colonies to produce something sweet like honey, we want to swarm this family with love so they can continue building theirs and bring this special little guy home forever! But it takes alot of us to do that!
Will you help us swarm them with LOVE?!
Here’s how you can get be a part of the swarm!
Go like our facebook event Here!
Buy a glass of Lemonade!!!
Host a lemonade stand in your neighborhood this Saturday! (printables loaded on the fb event page)
Share this page this event and challenge 5 or more friends to buy a glass!
Thats it! And by the end of the week, watch how much love is swarmed on the Tobey family! Check back here for updates, videos and announcements throughout the week!
Smith Family Vehicles!!
Guess who can all ride together now? Jacob & Peggy with their 4 littles and Lauren & Thad with their 6 big kids can travel as a family with their new vehicles! We are able to raise $30,000 and help with a majority of the cost of getting them these vehicles. THANK YOU to everyone who donated, shared their story, and prayed for their family. We are so grateful for you and your heart to support families!!!!
The Official Smith Family
We are excited to share that April 23rd, was adoption day for the Smith Family. Thad & Loryn, and Peggy & Jacob are so grateful for this new step in their journey as a family and everyone's love and support. We have raised $30,000 of their $40,000 goal to date and hope to complete fundraising for them the end of this month, there's still time to donate here!
PLF Family Update on the Longs
With a home full of love and laughter, Evelyn and Zack Long are so grateful to have been blessed with their adopted children Carson, Stella, and Jackson, in addition to baby Judah. They began adopting over four years ago, and since then they've loved seeing their children initiate prayer, smiling until their adorable dimples show, and greeting dad when he comes home from work with excited hugs. Evelyn and Zack can't imagine their lives without their children- there's always something new and exciting going on!
The Longs credit the Promise Love foundation as a source of support through their adoption process, and encourage anyone who wishes to help families like them to go out and donate to the Promise Love foundation today, through Give Day Tampa Bay!
PLF Family Update on the Boyers!
In October of 2015, Josh and Cricket Boyer partnered with us and opened their hearts to a new addition to their family: a sweet newborn girl named Breeja. Since then, Breeja has grown into a rambunctious, lovely little lady who loves bouncing around with her brothers and cuddling with her parents. Blaine and Braden adore their sweet sister, and Breeja loves her home with her loving parents and siblings to play with!
The Boyer family made us this adorable video in order to encourage everyone to give to families, like the Boyers, by supporting the Promise Love Foundation on Give Day Tampa Bay, an occasion in which over five hundred nonprofits will join together for a 24 hour online giving challenge on May 1st. If you enjoyed hearing about the Boyer family’s story and wish to contribute to families like them, make sure you mark your calendar for Give Day Tampa Bay on May 1st!
Thad and Loryn's story (which is Jacob and Peggy's story too!)
We love telling stories of these amazing families who step out of their comfort zone and head straight for the will of God to love and help children heal through adoption. Today we present to you some people who are very near and dear to our heart who have done just that over and over again throughout their lives. And they are doing it once again with a sibling group of 9! Here is the story, straight from Loryn!
"Several months ago, we were sent a picture of a sibling group of 8 with the a message attached....'Will you consider this?' We were done adopting, because most of our children were grown and out of the house. We were looking forward to a new phase of life....but after 4 or 5 similar messages about this group of siblings, we knew we HAD TO pray about this situation! As we prayed, we felt very led that God was asking us to be open to this. As Thad and I prayed and talked and talked and prayed, we knew 8 was just too challenging to be able to ensure everyone's needs were met. As we sat in our living room and discussed this with our adult children, our son Jacob and our daughter-in-law Peggy spoke up and said 'We will take some of them!' As they said this a peace settled over all of us. We each knew we could do 4 children well, while allowing them to grow up in the same family together. It was time to move forward!
Then there were 9! Baby number 9 was born as we moved forward with the adoption process. It was determined that Jacob and Peggy would take the youngest 4 children and Thad and I would take the 5 older children.
We began moving slowly and cautiously to ensure we were directly in the center of God's will, we were not wanting to hurry this process without that! But then all the sudden things snowballed! An emergency in the foster home the younger 4 were placed in necessitated that they needed to be moved immediately!
Jacob and Peggy accepted the placement and overnight went from a family of just 2 to a family of 6!!! When that happened we knew God was asking us to be the parents of the other 5 children.
Our children have a target move in date of December 22nd, just in time for Christmas! This also allows them to finish this semester in school before they move. We have started visits with them already and are preparing as much as we can before then.
We've heard so many people say 'You're crazy! What are you thinking? You were down to one child!' and 'Don't you know you can't save the world!' Our response is, there is no doubt we are crazy we have parented 15 children full time and fostered over 100 children through our years as foster parents. But we choose to be crazy for the sake of the Gospel rather than living and empty and self-centered life. We feel it boils down to this....If not us, then who?
We received a card tonight from our 10-year old soon to be daughter, in it she wrote 'Thank you for letting us be in your home, you saved us from being separated!' Isn't that what Jesus did for us? So we move forward in hope and confidence that adoption is God's story and His story is playing out in our family's life through the additions of 9 beautiful children!"
Eliana is home!
After about a month in the NICU little miss Eliana is home! She was born 8 weeks early at just over 3 pounds and she is doing very well at home with Mary Jo and Gil! They've had lots of love and visitors as you can see:-) They have just over $12,000 left to raise to meet their adoption goal. We thought today was the perfect day to give you an update as it's World Adoption Day! Will you celebrate with us by donating to their adoption? DONATE HERE
Thank you all for your love, prayers and support of Mary Jo and Gil we know they have felt it the whole time!!!
World Adoption Day 2017!!!
November is our favorite month because it's a month celebrating adoption!! Today, 11/9/17 is World Adoption Day! Write a smiley face on your hand and take a pic to show your support!!
Welcome to the World Eliana Isabel
Mary Jo and Gil had a little surprise happen last week! On 9/15/17 little miss Eliana Isabel decided to come 8 weeks early. She was a born at 3 lbs 4 oz and 16 inches long and is doing well and Mary Jo and Gil are officially parents!! They got to meet her yesterday, here's a little video and photo of her. They chose the name Eliana in December last year before they were matched and before they knew if their baby would be a boy or a girl. It means, "My God Answers", and He did! She will have to stay in the hospital in Panama City for a few weeks until she is 5 lbs. If anyone has a contact of somewhere they could stay up there during that time, they would be so appreciative. They still need about $22,000 to reach their adoption goal, so if you would like to be a part of their story donate HERE!! We so appreciate your continued support and prayers for them. Congratulations Mary Jo and Gil we are SO incredibly happy for your family of 3!!!
Mary Jo and Gil are Matched!
Guess what? Mary Jo and Gil are officially matched with a birth mom! She is due on November 29th with a little girl:-) We need you to keep up the prayers for them through this journey as well as donating to their adoption goal which they are $24,584 away from reaching. Help them reach this goal by donating HERE!! Thank you all for your love and support it means so much to them and us!!
Long Family Official Party of 5 Update!
Today was the day! Adoption day for Evelyn & Zach's 3rd adopted child, 3 year old Carson! So we wanted you to give you a little fundraising update!
So far we have raised $1171 of the $5000 goal that they need to complete this adoption!
That's $3829 that we are hoping to raise in the next few weeks. You can help this family by donating here.
I can't tell you enough how amazing this family is. Please partner with us to bless them by completing their fundraising goal. God has put them in our path and on our hearts to help as they so selflessly help children who need a forever family! Thank you so much for all of you who have walked along side them and donated already.
Update and Another BIG suprise for the Long Family!!
You may remember our Valentine's Day surprise where Carrie and I went to Zack and Evelyn Long's with a BIG check for the remaining balance of their adoption of little miss Stella! Stella has been doing amazing as a part of their family, and the Long's finalized her adoption just a few weeks ago! Here's a photo of everyone there to see them officially become a family of 4.
BUT.....that's not the end of their story! Just a week or so after this finalization with Stella, they got a call out of the blue, asking if they would be willing to take Stella's 3 year old brother. After much thought and prayer, they decided to accept placement of Carson just a couple of days ago. This means that Stella and her little brother will get to grow up together as a part of the Long family.
As you know, the cost of an adoption is not easy to come up with especially when it's unexpected, so we are asking for you all to walk alongside this amazing family and give as they have given their hearts to these beautiful kids so willingly!
They need $5000 to pay for this adoption that will not only keep these siblings together but also change their lives forever. We are so honored to get to know this sweet forever family and are encouraged by all they are doing to help kids! Let's get this done, come join us! DONATE HERE!